domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011

007 Customer Care

#ideas2improve customer care or "it is not my guilt":

So once you find a good way to spend your fidelity points before they are lost (going to the cinema), you travel 75km with your two 2 and 5 years old children and when you are trying to get your tickets, they tell you "sorry, we cannot give you the tickets, either you don't have enough points or there is an issue with the connection line".
You are sure that you have points, they re-check and yes! the connection is not working.

Now what?

Now NOTHING! No options, no alternatives, no possibilities. They cannot do anything, it is not their guilt, they don't offer any workaround. Is it your guilt? What happens with your children's illusion? With the time lost? With the money spent in the travel (and food)? It is YOUR problem.

Maybe it is that they are B2C, and C(ustomer) never has the right unless it is a B(usiness->big company that has power to push the selling Business.
Maybe the economic crisis is not affecting the entertainment sector or the cinemas.
Maybe they don't care if they loose clients.
Maybe I have a wrong concept of a business, a client and customer care.

What do you think?
Would you offer some kind of workaround? Maybe giving the tickets just writing down the card number is a bit risky... Maybe asking for half the money and writing down the card number, with the commitment of giving back the money as soon as they get the full points?

I don't know, but I still think there is something wrong in what happens in these situations and what my business mind says to me.

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